lunes, 24 de diciembre de 2018

English Language Challenges..

Well this will be a bit sad blog, because it is the last blog, but we should think about everything we learned and the good times we had.

Learning English at the university has been a little different than what I imagined, because as at school I thought we would study more grammar and verb tenses, however, the English courses here were much free in this sense and much more application. What is better, since the theory is forgotten and only with practice we can learn a language well. The uses of blogs helped me to "release" more my writing in English and learn to think immediately in English, not think in Spanish and translate it, I don´t know if it is understood. Also the recording of videos like "youtuber" has been very useful for me since it allowed me to think quickly in English and also improvise more than anything.

I think that I still have to improve the grammatical tenses so I can speak more easily, as well as increase my vocabulary with more specific words, such as dental words in English, that will serve me throughout my career.

I really love English and learning languages ​​in general, so I try to speak English every day so I do not forget, I listen to music in English, I watch movies in English, sometimes without subtitles, and many times although it sounds ridiculous when I'm alone in my house I speak in English, also my cousin is an English teacher so when I see him he always makes me practice talking  in English all the time haha, he tells me that it is the only way to learn.

The End.
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Changes to your study program..

As you may have already noticed I am a dentistry student, and although I really like my career, there are definitely many changes that I would like to implement in the study program.

First the duration of the career is excessive, in some countries the study program lasts 4 years, and here lasts 6 years, it should be shorter, maybe summarize some subjects or compress the curriculum, so that we as students can leave college before and start into the world of work.

Second, the issue of when you fail a subject, because you lost a whole year, this should change, because in almost all universities if you reject a subject you only fall behind one semester and you can take it the next semester, here we have to wait a whole year to be able to give it new, which also delays us a lot and costs more money. Speaking of money, this is something else, the career is very expensive, considering that the material that gives us the university is very little, I mean apart from paying the fee of the university, every month we have to spend a lot of money on buy materials.

As for the infrastructure, although the university is comfortable within everything, there are many things that could be improved and fixed. For example, the library and the casino are very small, they should be bigger and have more study rooms, the green areas are very few, sometimes after a test you want to lie down and clear your head and there are not many green areas, just cement everywhere.

I wish some of these ideas were considered in the future.

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English Language Challenges.. Well this will be a bit sad blog, because it is the last blog, but we should think about eve...