lunes, 23 de abril de 2018

Why I chose Odontology?

Resultado de imagen para dentista animado

Well, it´s a long story.When I was little I always wanted to be a doctor, and as the years went by, I still wanted to be a doctor, until I finished school. My parents thought that I still wanted to study medicine, but it happened that I started to find out about other careers because I was not sure If I wanted to devote so much time to study such a long career and postpone other things I wanted to do in my life. When I left school to take the PSU test, my results were good but not enough to enter medicine at the university that I wanted , so I took a year off to prepare again. I took the psu again and it went well, but I finally realized that medicine was not the only career and find out about dentistry, this career mixed the two things that I liked ,Biology and sciences in general and at the same time in my life I was going to be able to do other things that I like, like travel, study languages and not dedicate myself 100 percent to that.
Since I started studying dentistry, I have realized that my perspective has changed, because I liked it a lot and now I would dedicate myself all time to this and help people in some way.

12 comentarios:

  1. it's amazing your perspective about Medicine, because all of the students of this career only think in Medicine and Odontology is a funny and interesting career and literally we have more time than Medicine.
    I hope read something about you soon!

  2. I also wanted study medicine haha But odontology is a beautiful career . Regards

  3. Hi Tami! it's interesting to read that you also wanted to study medicine and now you realise that odontology it's an amazing career.

  4. hi tami :3 I understand you a lot (>-<) we have a lot of common
    (°.°)odontology power (>-<)/

  5. hello !, I understand you a lot !!
    I also thought that medicine was the only option but it turned out that dentistry also mixed the two things that I liked


  6. You are very fortunate to have been able to do more things and develop yourself in other areas of life. I'm very happy about that, I hope you continue to enjoy the dentistry career a lot!

  7. Hi! I'm agree with you, medicine's not the only career and always are other options. I'm happy for you that have found other option that do you like too.

  8. Tamara, I thought to study medicine like you. My story is similar to yours, I feel identified with you. See you soon!

  9. Tami! We hace a similar story
    See you!

  10. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  11. WOW you are genial and I also like science

  12. i like the way that you think because u want have time to yourself and that is something important!


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