domingo, 8 de julio de 2018

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My favorite subject this semester: Anatomy.

Anatomy has been my favorite subject so far. I don´t think there is anything more interesting than the study of the human body, how it works and how it is constituted.
Our classes are organized in different ways. Most of them are theoretical classes where we only see contents, and other classes are practical, which are the ones I like the most, because we observe and touch real dissected bodies. This allows us to study anatomy more than close, because we are practically seeing what the human body really looks like.

Also in some classes we have small tests and clinical cases dissertations, which is very funny because it is as if we were doctors treating a patient.

During the semester the contents were organized by topics, for example in the first part we studied upper limb, this means from pelvis up, then lower limb, pelvis down and finally head and neck. This last, is the most important content for us and we will deepen it much more in the second semester, because we will be future dentists.

In conclusion I can say that I love this subject because it is really interesting and fascinating how the human body works and is composed, and even though in the tests I have not had the results I have expected, I still like it a lot.

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