jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2018

Summer Holidays

Hello everybody today I will talk about my holidays. In almost all my holidays I go to the south, it’s like a typical trip to our family.Since 2012 we go to Pucón because we have a place in there, so we stay in there and travel to near places like Villarica,Caburgua, Valdivia, among others, and sometimes when my dad is in a good mood to drive, we visit farther places like Frutillar, Ranco ,Puerto Varas ,even Chiloé, such a beautiful and magical place.
This holidays I suppose that we will visit Pucón too, but in February, because in January we will go the north, specifically Calama to visit my cousin who lives in there since this year.He wanna take us to visit different touristic places like San Pedro de Atacama and Tololo observatory, he will be our tour guide.­
Also during our holidays we used to go to the beach too, especially in weekends or in shorts weeks because my mom love the beach and she can´t stand too many time not visit this place. Last time we went to the beach, it was Maitencillo,and it was so much fun because my cousin and I throw ourselves in parachutes.
Despite  that this latest years we go practically to the same places, there is nothing more relaxing to me than this landscapes, especially the south, I love it so much and when I finish my career I would like to leave Santiago and live in there.
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