jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2018

GPOY (gratuitous picture of yourself)

This is one of my favorite pictures. It was taken for my friend Camila and this picture have an all funny history behind. In the 2017 with my friend decided to go out and spent the day together, at first we watched a movie, then we ate something and finally we decided to go to Bellas Artes Museum. We toured the museum, we watched the different exhibitions, take a lot of pictures and make the things that we always do (This is a like a typical trip for us, we always go to different museums and art exhibitions).When we were finished our visit we went to a last room that had a low illumination and practically it was in black and white and we loved it.The room don’t have many science , there was just a big picture in the middle of the room very illuminated with white light and all the rest of the room was in black. There were many people taking pictures, we also of course, and we had  the idea of take us picture sit alone  in the middle of the room, very artistic haha but to take this picture we had to wait practically all the afternoon  and wait that all the people left to have the room alone. We arrived at the museum at 2:00 o clock and we left at 6:00 when the museum was about to close. Definitely was a particular experience but I think it was worth it.

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