jueves, 11 de octubre de 2018

Resultado de imagen para england

A Country I would like to visit: England

Since I was a teenager I have always wanted to visit England, maybe because I love music, and a lot of musicians and important bands that I listen live in there.
Other reason is the accent, I love British accent,
I think is so strong and deep.
England have a special magic, I have always think that is the best country for living to me, the monarchy and the strict manners that people who lives in there have, is something that captures my attention. Also I like England because of  his culture, people close to me that who have visited England have told me, that in there all things works, the public transport and trains are in time, the services are fast, people care about the environment, the laws are very strict and for that reason people take them very seriously, among others. Other reason because I would like to visit England is for his big movie industry, a lot of actors, movies and shows that I love come from there, the arts in general, like theater and dance are very considered and important there and that I like it.
The fashion is also very important there and people dressed like they want and make different combinations with their clothes and they do not care what people say, I mean people take more risks in fashion and that is good. One day I would like to go to a fashion week in London, I think that it would be great.

Resultado de imagen para monarchy                    Resultado de imagen para the beatles

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