jueves, 26 de abril de 2018

What is your favorite piece of technology?

It is a difficult question, because I like many pieces of technology, but my favorite, I would say is my laptop. During my life I had different laptops but my favorite one, I got it in 2016 for Christmas, it was a gift for having entered the university, because I would need a good laptop. It is a  Apple Macbook  and it is very good and fast, it never fails and I can have many applications, besides one of the things that I like most about my laptop is that it does not have any type of virus. I totally recommend it and I think is one of the best brands I've had. I really do not know what model it is but I hope it lasts a couple of years, even though I've seen the latest models in stores and they look great, with a more modern design and new applications and capabilities, I hope that in a few years I can have the new version.

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lunes, 23 de abril de 2018

Why I chose Odontology?

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Well, it´s a long story.When I was little I always wanted to be a doctor, and as the years went by, I still wanted to be a doctor, until I finished school. My parents thought that I still wanted to study medicine, but it happened that I started to find out about other careers because I was not sure If I wanted to devote so much time to study such a long career and postpone other things I wanted to do in my life. When I left school to take the PSU test, my results were good but not enough to enter medicine at the university that I wanted , so I took a year off to prepare again. I took the psu again and it went well, but I finally realized that medicine was not the only career and find out about dentistry, this career mixed the two things that I liked ,Biology and sciences in general and at the same time in my life I was going to be able to do other things that I like, like travel, study languages and not dedicate myself 100 percent to that.
Since I started studying dentistry, I have realized that my perspective has changed, because I liked it a lot and now I would dedicate myself all time to this and help people in some way.

jueves, 12 de abril de 2018

A little about me

Who I am?
I am Tamara Garrido Muñoz, I am 20 years old, I was born in Santiago of Chile and I am an odontology student of University of Chile.
After I left the high school I take a one year break, and then I enter to study law at Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, but I didn’t like it, so I quit in the first semester, and the next year I enter to University of Chile to study odontology and be a dentist.
In my free time when I am not studying I Swim and I go to box classes.
My favorites hobbies are listen to music, go to concerts and see movies. My taste in music is very varied, I like a lot of styles, and some of my favorite bands are The Killers, Foster the People, Coldplay and The Smiths. And talking about movies some of my favorite are The Shutter Island, Becoming Jane, Love Rosie and all movies directed by Christopher Nolan. He is my favorite director. Also James Mcavoy, Christian Bale, Sam Claflin and Natalie Portman are my favorite actors.
My favorite book is The little Prince, and if we talk about food I love spaghetti and pizza.

I think you know enough about me now.

Resultado de imagen para old cine filmThe End.
Resultado de imagen para the killers

Resultado de imagen para el principito dibujo      

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