domingo, 8 de julio de 2018

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My favorite tv show: 
"The Crown"

If I thought that talking about my favorite food would be difficult, definitely talking about my favorite TV show is much more.

I love series, they are an addiction for me, I believe that in my life I have seen more than 30 series. This addiction began when I began in my teens, around 13 years old. Among the series I've seen there are: Dr.House, Lie, Once Upon a Time, Gossip Girl, Breaking Bad, Law and Order, Bates Motel, Stranger Things, Friends, among many others.

My last addiction before entering the University, that is, the summer of 2018, was the original Netflix series "The Crown" of genre biographical drama, based on the life of Queen Elizabeth of England. Tell the story since his marriage to Prince Philip to the present.
This series consists of two seasons (soon a third in 2019) of 10 episodes each, from about an hour to an hour and a half. The first episode aired on Netflix on November 4, 2016.
The series is very good, it is very well made, the recreations of the landscapes and the palaces are practically the same as the real ones and the representations are incredible. In fact, the main actors, which are Queen Isabella played by Claire Foy and Prince Philip played by Matt Smith, have won different awards, including the Emmy.

Some secondary actors are:
• Vanessa Kirby as Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon,
• Eileen Atkins as Queen Mary, mother of George VI and Edward VIII
• Jeremy Northam as Anthony Eden, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
• Victoria Hamilton as Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother; wife of Jorge VI, and mother of Isabel II and Margarita.

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My favorite food: Lasagna.

It is very difficult for me to talk about my favorite food, because I like many types of food, but if I have to choose one it is definitely lasagna.

Since I can remember I love lasagna, even though my mother does not prepare it often at home. I guess the fact that I like it so much is because when I was little and lived with my grandmother, she prepared lasagna and it was delicious. My favorite lasagna is the one that has white sauce with spinach, although the lasagna with bolognese sauce is also very delicious.

Lately my mother almost does not prepare lasagna, but I eat it in restaurants, the last time I ate it was 2 months ago. Always we eat somewhere other than my house I ask for lasagna. My grandmother passed away so I can no longer eat her delicious lasagna, but my aunt who is her daughter knows perfectly how to make it like her.

I do not know how to prepare lasagna, but I hope someday to do it, because I do not think it is so difficult.

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My favorite subject this semester: Anatomy.

Anatomy has been my favorite subject so far. I don´t think there is anything more interesting than the study of the human body, how it works and how it is constituted.
Our classes are organized in different ways. Most of them are theoretical classes where we only see contents, and other classes are practical, which are the ones I like the most, because we observe and touch real dissected bodies. This allows us to study anatomy more than close, because we are practically seeing what the human body really looks like.

Also in some classes we have small tests and clinical cases dissertations, which is very funny because it is as if we were doctors treating a patient.

During the semester the contents were organized by topics, for example in the first part we studied upper limb, this means from pelvis up, then lower limb, pelvis down and finally head and neck. This last, is the most important content for us and we will deepen it much more in the second semester, because we will be future dentists.

In conclusion I can say that I love this subject because it is really interesting and fascinating how the human body works and is composed, and even though in the tests I have not had the results I have expected, I still like it a lot.

jueves, 5 de julio de 2018

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Expert on dentistry: Lucy Hobbs Taylor.

In this blog I decided to talk about a very important woman for the history of dentistry.
Lucy Hobbs Taylor, was the first woman to graduate from a dental school in the world. Before being a dentist, she was a teacher, since at the beginning she could not immediately enter dentistry because she was denied and had to choose another profession, but after trying again the Ohio College of Dental Surgery accepted her as a student. She graduated in 1866, becoming the first woman in the world to receive a doctorate in dentistry.

Lucy Hobbs was born on March 14, 1833 in Constable, New York. She was seventh out of 10 children total. Both her parents passed away when she was 12, forcing her to grow up very quickly by obtaining a job as a seamstress and support her siblings
 He was always a good student at school and being in this, he aroused his interest in health and dentistry.

Aside from being a recognized dentist, she wrote the book "People were amazed when they learned that a young girl had so much forgotten her womanhood as to want to study dentistry." And after retiring, she dedicated herself to fighting for equal rights for women.

I chose Lucy because thanks to her today hundreds of women, including me, can study dentistry, and  she is an example of improvement and role model.

Blog experience.

In my opinion I think having a blog has been great.I have been able to write about any subject that I ever wanted and share them with all my classmates.With this blog I feel free to say what I think no matter what the rest say, and I think that was very useful to practice my english and have a better grammar and coherence.Before this blog I had difficulties to write and translate the things in spanish to english but now is so much easier and I think I have learn to think better in english. Blogs have been a great tool to meet better my classmates and know more about them and the things that we have in common.I have been surprised that I have the same taste in movies and series with some of my classmates, and that have been possible thanks to this blog, and the funny thing is that we have become friends now!

 In the future the are other topics that I like to write about like my favorite music, a country that I like to visit, about my friends, sports, collage experience, my classmates, among others. 

Finishing I think this blog have been great and definitely I will keep it through the years.

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