jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2018

GPOY (gratuitous picture of yourself)

This is one of my favorite pictures. It was taken for my friend Camila and this picture have an all funny history behind. In the 2017 with my friend decided to go out and spent the day together, at first we watched a movie, then we ate something and finally we decided to go to Bellas Artes Museum. We toured the museum, we watched the different exhibitions, take a lot of pictures and make the things that we always do (This is a like a typical trip for us, we always go to different museums and art exhibitions).When we were finished our visit we went to a last room that had a low illumination and practically it was in black and white and we loved it.The room don’t have many science , there was just a big picture in the middle of the room very illuminated with white light and all the rest of the room was in black. There were many people taking pictures, we also of course, and we had  the idea of take us picture sit alone  in the middle of the room, very artistic haha but to take this picture we had to wait practically all the afternoon  and wait that all the people left to have the room alone. We arrived at the museum at 2:00 o clock and we left at 6:00 when the museum was about to close. Definitely was a particular experience but I think it was worth it.

Postgraduate Studies

In the future, after I finish my career I would like to specialize in pediatric dental practice because I love kids and I like the idea of all the psychology that must be implemented. The kids are little patients and they are very different than adults patients, so you have to treat them with love and patience and offer them different incentives like candies and toys. 
I would like to study pediatric dental practice abroad, like in England or The United States to meet others realities and also learn English. I think study outside the country and meet other dental realities and new knowledge of this place; it will make me a better professional with better formation and perspective. I would like a blended system, with face-to-face classes, because these are very important and personally I thinks this is the best way to learn, but also with online classes to manage my time in my own way and have time to do other things in this new country, like study the language and learn about the culture.

In conclusion I think this specialty is very interesting and noble because working with kids is all a challenge and you have to be pedagogical and very nice to not scare them with the dental instruments and the procedures.

Resultado de imagen para odontopediatriaResultado de imagen para odontopediatria

sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2018

My future job

In the future, I would like to be a tour guide and travel all around the world. I would like this, because I have always wanted to meet new cultures and places, learn different languages, try new food,  and speak to other people and ask them about their reality.
The idea of having to learn about different cultures, monuments and other things own of each country for explaining to people sounds awesome to me and very interesting. I really don’t know much about the salary but I think that is not much, but I don’t care If this job will make me happy it´s all fine.

I suppose that the skills that I need for this job are speak and dominate different languages, know a lot of history of each country, be professional, treat people with sympathy and kindness, have patience and always have a good disposition with the tourists. Also, I need to have the ability of choose the right and accurate information of each place, to not confuse the tourists and let them clear.

If I get this job in the future I would be very happy and I would be feel very fulfilled because it’s my dream since I was a little kid and I will be sharing my knowledge with others.  I would be a contribution in the world and would be helping others trough culture.

Resultado de imagen para tour guide

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2018

Resultado de imagen para la casa de papel  

What are you really into?

My latest obsession is “La casa de papel” .I ´ve been obsessed with this Netflix show since the last week, it´s a Spanish show and basically consist in a group of 7 people with “criminal past” led by a man called “the teacher” who plan steal a big bank in Spain. I think this show is so good and the plot is so creative and innovative. Despite I´ve never like Spanish series this is my exception, because it worth it.

Another obsession that I have been this lasts weeks but talking about food has been the oat with milk and fruits in the morning. This starts when I saw a youtuber video about healthy and delicious food and now can´t stop of make this bowls with new ingredient every morning. I started added almonds and nuts and fruits of course, the most of the time, strawberries and bananas, and then I started to try different organic milks and different oats. You can prepare so many different types of bowls and is so tasty.

Another thing that this last time I do a lot is water my garden. I don’t know why, it was never happen before but now I think is so relaxing and give me peace. I think I`m getting old.

Resultado de imagen para regar plantas   Resultado de imagen para bowl avena                           

English Language Challenges.. Well this will be a bit sad blog, because it is the last blog, but we should think about eve...