jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2018

Postgraduate Studies

In the future, after I finish my career I would like to specialize in pediatric dental practice because I love kids and I like the idea of all the psychology that must be implemented. The kids are little patients and they are very different than adults patients, so you have to treat them with love and patience and offer them different incentives like candies and toys. 
I would like to study pediatric dental practice abroad, like in England or The United States to meet others realities and also learn English. I think study outside the country and meet other dental realities and new knowledge of this place; it will make me a better professional with better formation and perspective. I would like a blended system, with face-to-face classes, because these are very important and personally I thinks this is the best way to learn, but also with online classes to manage my time in my own way and have time to do other things in this new country, like study the language and learn about the culture.

In conclusion I think this specialty is very interesting and noble because working with kids is all a challenge and you have to be pedagogical and very nice to not scare them with the dental instruments and the procedures.

Resultado de imagen para odontopediatriaResultado de imagen para odontopediatria

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